I do not own Adventure Time, Adventure Time is owned and licensed by Cartoon Network Studios, which is owned by Turner Broadcasting Systems. Adventure Time is created by Pendleton Ward, and produced by Cartoon Network Studios, Frederator Studios, Rough Draft Studios, and Saerom Animation. I will take the site down immediately if it is requested by Cartoon Network, Google, or any authority. Any questions: adventuretimeforfree@gmail.com.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Please guys
I really want you guys to continue/resume enjoying this website, but you have to understand that I most likely will not be posting any new episodes. Sometime in the future I may decide to post more, but right now I really would like some opinions on ANYTHING ELSE to do with the site. Please, I haven't heard any suggestions yet other than that I should post more episodes; something I want to do, but probably is not possible.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Hey guys. I was planning on reposting the episode "The Pit" today after some technical difficulties, but I'm not sure what I should do right now because it is illegal to post copyrighted material without the owner's permission. I could post clips of episodes I think or interesting things about weekly shows, I don't know. I'm willing to do almost anything legal with the site if it keeps my viewers happy. I really want to hear feedback on what you guys want me to do, so please comment below.
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